"I love you!"...These are three magic words that will shoot right at your heart like an arrow no-matter who says it. It will melt your heart even if it is made out of stone, it will lift your spirit even if it has gone so low beyond the the base of the river and it will surely make you smile even if it is in secret, especially if you couldn't afford to let the guard of your ego and pride of your public charisma down.
In reality though, we all know that not everyone that says the three fine magic words actually mean them, well this apparently seems to be the major cause of heartbreak the world over, even in the spirit realm.
Scientists believe love is overrated, imagine comparing the way we feel when we are in love to exactly how excited we get when we get to eat chocolate, hmm interesting isn't it?
This brings me to the question "What is love?"
Some will call it an intense feeling of deep affection, a beautiful one goes thus “Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get — only with what you are expecting to give — which is everything.”
The truth is we can go on and on about the definitions of love, but i'm sure we'll never be satisfied even after completing exhausting ourselves.
Permission to be a little biased here but i strongly agree with Wayne Dyer who believes that love is an ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.
Hmm, a sigh of relief right? no way! And believe it or not we haven't quite gotten to the main point yet, it isn't yet uhuru as they say.
When it comes to love, i am way far away from performing lip service, i like the real goose pimples, swelling head, butterfly in tummy kind of love, the kind that relieves your soul of burden, touches your heart, caresses your mind and cushioning your collective body of psychology.
I bet i sound like one in a world of incorrigible lucid fantasy, well, pardon my indulgence, but a place of wishful thinking can be a healthy vacation spot to escape to if you feel you need to runaway from troubles that worry the mind.
Are you in love? Precisely the right question, only it's not complete except you ask "am i in love with myself?" else you can never love anybody right. The tricky part is you don't have to deceive yourself by saying "i'm in love with myself", but rather you'll eat well, dress well and try how best possibly to stay healthy. That summarizes it, the moment you strive to replicate the activities you do to make you live fantastic in someone else' life, my dear, you are hopelessly and helplessly in love.
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