In reality, stagnant water really does stink, no right thinking human being wants to remain in one spot, naturally. Even kids want to explore and exploit their environment, facing their fear, protecting their territory and of course discovering new grounds.
This is a natural principle which enables one to keep pushing forward especially if he makes little progress from time to time as his curiosity receives more and more satisfaction.
So who wants a downgrade?, well i guess that will only be one who is in electric shock, of course he'll want the current passing through him to be downgraded and also one in a turbulent aircraft "come down gently", or as Ludacris would like it "how low can you go?".
Seriously though, don't you dare embarrass me in public, that will only tempt me to hate you because of the perhaps ignorance that makes you to destructively criticize, or as Stephen .R Covey of blessed memory perfectly puts it in his internationally acclaimed world best seller 7 habits of highly effective people, about what happens when a father scolds his daughter sternly enough to disgrace her " she becomes outwardly submissive but inwardly rebellious, suppressing cruel feelings only to come out in the future in uglier ways".
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