Well well, being a fan of principles sure helps to solve a whole lot of psychological problems, especially from an imperatively realistic point of view.
It is definitely not fair on ourselves when we constantly look ourselves eyeball to eyeball and still lie, enveloping ourselves with unpleasant deceit. Even the holy book says "Know the truth and it shall surely set you free". It gives an utmost sigh of relief, and expunges any need to forcefully make our brain reminisce memories that never existed, thus allowing us to be unfortunately bewildered by the shadows of the true or false phenomenon.
Using the Pareto Principle, it will be well in place to say that eight out of every ten people will be extremely consumed with superficiality, or get carried away by flashy advertisements without carefully examining it. That is why many people would like to own flashy cars, Rolex watches, expensive clothes and shoes even when they have no money nor can afford luxuries in any way. When they eventually do afford those things which they have spent their entire lives fantasizing to have, the principle of self concept comes into play, allowing them to waste the resources which they've centred their hopes, aspirations and entire lives around.
Back to the main point, in as much as it is refreshingly true that no one needs to re-invent the wheel which took time, energy and divine talent to invent and inspire the world, it would be unfortunate if we remain complacent and wallow in the bosom of mediocrity, as the saying goes "stagnant water stinks".
We all watch every single product and brainchild of the western world in awe, especially of the United states, it is all attractive, glossy and made to look easy, so much that we want to replicate them by outright imitation. Hmm, so much for originality, what this tells me is that we have comfortably settled for second place and totally lost sight of the benefits of long term goals, if we have any.
Our Alibi? Perhaps colonization, lack of adequate education and exposure, or our adamance in accepting it. Yeah right, life is perfect and there are no excuses. I cherish the words of Stephen R Covey, "Be Principle centered".
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