I totally agree with the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson " Treat a man as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he could be, and he will become what he should be".
The fact that we are unable to adequately explain the mysteries behind how we constantly move around, think and make things happen is enough evidence for us to realize that we are spiritual beings having human experience.
So, we not being able to see spirits gives words the right to be in the same realm, we cannot see words which are very powerful and have a high degree of influence over us, they are our genesis.
Words help elevate or dampen our spirits, depending on what words are said, by whom, when, where and how they are said.
When words are said, they are like an egg which you throw, they fall and disassemble all over, its just that in this case, they become seeds, and so therefore are planted through the ears of the one that hears them, and are planted in the mind of man, the mind being the most fertile soil, capable of germinating the words to grow up as big and high as the oak tree.
In the light of this, what you say to your fellow man goes a long way in determining how he treats you.
Talk down at a man and watch the man in him die even while he lives. Praise a man and watch his spirit soar like the great eagle, showing strength, vigour and valour, using his graceful gait to gather an army of enthusiastic warriors motivated to take over...(to be continued)
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