“My urges to write
poetry are lesbian, but whatever compels me to prose is straight”…Agave Powers
“The Lord is my
shepherd and he knows I’m gay”…Troy Perry
Each day we increase in knowledge and we learn from our mistakes, we get more understanding, we become more aware and by implication we voraciously experiment
on mysteries that we have yet to experience. The good part is that we have been able
to adapt to the harsh conditions of mother earth and we have been able to survive
through good use of our brain, helping us invent and discover things such as
devices and drugs that have helped us sustain our lives.
Even with the ways in which we have developed the world,
we have made mistakes that have burned our hands in several ways, for instance
we have invented fast cars, airplanes, trains and ship for better transport and
haulage, but many lives have been lost through them due to man’s errors of
imperfection or bad weather and poor topography.
Also we have invented guns and bombs that have caused more casualty than we
actually know. We have invented drugs and food preservatives through modern
technology, but as you realize that we are not perfect, some drugs and
preservatives are basically poisons and have caused series of diseases, ending
millions of lives and plunging us into further avoidable crisis and
“If gay and lesbian
people are given civil rights, then everyone will want them”…Author unknown.
A school of thought tells us that a good knowledge of
history really does bring us up to better speed than the present situation we
are in. Speaking about ages, the evolution of man has tumbled us right from the
stone age when men struck stones together to make fire, to the agrarian age
also called the agricultural age when man knew and appreciated the power of the
earth to multiply whatever was planted, this produced the industrial revolution
when the agricultural produce was processed massively.
Then followed by the information or the jet age, a period
when information flies with the speed of light, if not faster. It has however
become imperative for us to slow down to catch our breath; this is because many
nations are stuck in this age, while some haven’t even gotten there.
Impressively though, some have clearly surpassed the information age to a whole
new level which some may never attain, the wisdom age.
This is the zone of developed nations; they have
gracefully scaled all previous stages only to replicate those stages or ages in
lower or the so called developing nations.
“What’s the point of
being a lesbian if a woman is going to look and act like an imitation
man?”…Rita Mae Brown
Are you gay?
Let’s put it this way. Do you have a sibling or a nutty
cousin that is allergic to a type of food that you actually love? For instance,
I love scrambled eggs with my life, but there is this sarcastic cousin of mine
that would practically throw-up if he tasted it. Now imagine what a hungry
Somali kid would do if he saw a large bowl of scrambled eggs, I think he’ll
almost eat the plate itself. What if he was allergic to the scrambled eggs for
real? I believe the law of priority would rather he satisfied his hunger than
In reference to the ‘Ages’ section above, too much
convenience, indulgence and potential complacence of the folks occupying the
wisdom age leaves them bored and simply want to move to another level. Remember
nature abhors vacuum, and our systems virtually crave for inconvenience in the
middle of over-bearing luxury.
However, a point to carefully note here is that all the
seeming alibis are not a justification, moral or otherwise to prove complete
understanding of how the world works, we are humans right?
So are you gay?
The point is that we are all extremely vulnerable and are
naturally adaptable to influences of prevailing circumstances; therefore it is
probably unfair to judge genuine cases of psychologically forced transitions or
scientifically proven genetic anomaly (which was of course most probably caused
by our ungodly interference with nature). This also is not a window to give
good reason for the act as majority don’t admire sodomy, and it goes against
the natural order of things.
As we also know
that kids grow by imitation, it isn’t fair to confuse the up-coming generation
and alter destinies with incorrigibility and acts borne of lack of supervision,
discipline and morality.
African countries and leaders
have recently seriously criticized President Obama for publicly supporting and
promoting gay rights and even trying to export it to the highly cultured African
continent that have violently kicked against it as it goes against her
Obviously, majority of people would definitely frown at any act of violence, but given that the world is very volatile when complex issues such as politics, religion and the gay thing come up, where we presently live in gives a vivid description of what is left of a world that we don't entirely understand. It is sure heart breaking to see that people are being tortured and even murdered because they are gay, perhaps a more creative approach should be made other than legalizing it if it is generally perceived as a problem.
Thank you.
Akin Abimbola (akinzogee@yahoo.com)
Holy Bible
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