
Wednesday, 8 July 2015


Image result for images for sparing the rod“Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them”…Proverbs 13: 24

Early days
When we were much younger, our parents, guardians and even teachers at school used to scold us in different ways anytime we did wrong, which was like speed bumps prepared on the road for us whenever we moved too fast. Although we used to resent their judgment at the time, thinking they hated us, but after getting used to it, it all seemed quite normal.
Interestingly, as we grow older with respect being reciprocated to us by both old and young people, while we witness the disgust and resentment being given to our peers that used to be recalcitrant and incorrigible when were all kids, the picture gets even clearer. The timely spanks and reprimands sure paid off in molding us into mature adults just as only the test of fire makes fine steel, diminishing the tendencies of future belligerence and juvenile delinquencies.

“Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell”…Prov. 23:13:14

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There is no contesting the system of rebuking faulting children; even history clearly spells it out from the biblical chronicles, to law and even recorded lives of great sages and thinkers. Discipline of children has been with us for as long as we can remember.
Imagine you had a farm and you found that several rodents and pests constantly spoil your crops, what would you do? Create a pest control system of course. Similar thing applies to a horse or cattle that wouldn’t move in your desired direction, you’d instinctively either shout at them or traditionally flog them.
Ultimately, same thing applies to children, when they do wrong and we don’t want them to repeat it, we impulsively punish them, and truly from experience we know they get the message even when we stand the risk of losing their trust and affection, but in the future we usually discover that the risk is well worth it. In other words, we have a natural inclination of reprimand as not just a cultural heritage, but also as a guiding light for future prosperity of our children.

“Eliminating corporal punishment (deciding to spare the rod) means more than foregoing bottom spanking. It includes a slap on the wrist, the smack on the face and any other body parts that may be struck”…Unknown

Image result for images for sparing the rodIt’s Psychological

Due to the fast paced rate at which we interpret in different ways the very knowledge we’ve lived by for ages, theories and their reverberating impacts such as insecurities and the complexities surrounding them, it has however stereo-typically become imperative for steps to be taken to protect overzealous chastisers of infants.
In the wake modern civilization which ushers in new fears and pressures, perceived under-achievements of misguided young adults and perhaps even taxes, many adults out of frustration and self inflicted misfortunes have used transferred aggression to injure, permanently disable, or let innocent children slip away from this world. With the nasty acts left unchecked, and like the stagnant water which stinks and breeds flies and reptiles, it slowly degenerates, and by implication translates into an access path to deal further abuse on children, with their obvious vulnerability giving the abuser more guts and opportunity to ill-treat children in other possible ways.

In the light of this, it is however justifiable for governments of developed nations to make laws that protect children, and therefore by repercussion, like a growing glow which emanates in the dark destined for expansion, the tendencies of spoiling children arise to the extent that in the quest to provide an enabling environment for children to express themselves without fear of criticism which could impair their self-esteem, we also give them an opportunity to be rude, flagrant and incorrigible.

For instance, seven year old Jimmy has broken several items around the house probably due to a combination of carelessness, inattentiveness and roughhousing. This time he has broken a favorite vase of yours. After you have dealt with your anger and let him know you’re upset with what he did, to discipline him by having him help with vacuuming and dusting might not help you, but it might change his behavior.
Jimmy’s carelessness could be a sign that he doesn’t feel important to the household or family. It can be the child’s way of communicating that he needs more attention.

“Nigeria reserves the right to make her own laws without apologies to other countries. Between Europe, America and Africa there is a large culture gap. Some of the things that are considered fundamental rights abroad can be very offensive to African culture and tradition and to the way we live here”…Labaran Maku (Former Nigerian Information Minister)

Diverse Orientation
Image result for images for sparing the rod 
The western world have a reputation for fighting for and preserving human rights, they also are known to be innovative, creating new things that help humans adapt better to the same planet earth that we are constantly insecure about, claiming that it is choking and trying to kill us all, even when our insensitive activities have awoken a slumbering leviathan called global warming.

Anyway, the gap in ways of life between tribes and races along religion and ethnic lines from time immemorial have steadily caused several degrees of culture shock, creating fear and uncertainty between business partners and tourists especially overseas.
Our diversities are explicitly appreciated within the corridors of education that has brought about mysterious theories to the needed resources which other parts of the world have been able to identify maximum (exploitive) use for.
The multiple systems and complexities of nature continue to spiral through a seemingly unending vicious circle and which we are saddled with the opportunity to unravel in order to remain relevant and even alive.

“The child that you do not build will eventually sell the fortune that you built”…Yoruba proverb

Image result for images for juvenile delinquencyFast-forward to present day

Literally, it gets better, and by better in this context I mean worse. What’s worse? The same situation of juvenile delinquencies that has sky-rocketed in the past century due to child indulgence and our insensitivity to the incorrigible acts of kids that stare us in the face.
If we could only be more observant, pro-active and empathetic about the matter at hand, we might be saving ourselves or delaying an impending and looming danger knocking on the doors of the future.

Let’s look at it further this way; a school of thought tells us that kids are extremely innocent, this therefore implies that all the bad things that kids do can actually be blamed on their parents, guardians or primary contacts and influence. For instance, kids don’t know racism, terrorism or even homosexuality unless someone misguides them, and with the spate of their consistency and the way we treat them, they have apparently come to stay.
I recently came across a quote which says “Part time Christians cannot defeat full time devils” (apologies to folks of other faith), and it kind of makes sense, how do you defeat desperate people who are ready to die for their cause when you are not only inconsistent in your acts and policies, but when you also compromise standards?

“The secret to success I don’t know, but the secret to failure is trying to please everyone”…Abraham Lincoln

You probably got it wrong
Image result for images for united states ruling on gay rights 
I saw an action movie sometime ago titled ‘Airforce one’, the movie featured veteran actor Harrison Ford as United States President and it sure was an intriguing, fast paced act about a terrorist attack on America. In the course of the movie, while the vice President vaguely suggested that the President negotiates with the terrorists, a simple quote stayed with me. The President simply asked, ‘if you give a mouse a cookie?...the vice President who was a lady promptly replied ‘it’ll ask for milk’.
This tells us that if you negotiate with a bad person, he’ll try to exploit and even further destroy you. Same thing applies to a regular person that finds that he or she can get easy bread from you, they’ll definitely come back for more, I would.

The United States recently agreed to gay marriage in all it’s states and they are urging other nations to do likewise. This has inspired or incited other groups to lobby for more rights such as adultery, pedophilia, incest and other forms of experimentation that have always been known to be wrong.

All these are happening right in the midst of allegations of aiding of international secrets, war crimes, high level crime deals and affiliations with terrorists, also while other pressing issues such as poverty, hunger and stylish racial profiling prevail.

Look around you; it’s all psychology borne of the earthly principles. If you want to get things done perfectly you simply have to be patient and plan for the long term, and this means you should brainwash children. That is why kids that are recruited early into sports, academics, work, war and terrorism do exceptionally well.

Image result for images for child sportsIn conclusion, not that I’m giving up on the future, it’s their prerogative to take care of themselves and the planet earth as they meet it, but it’s actually up to us to make it up to them so that they don’t curse us for the actions we’re taking or not taking, because if we choose a part time shift to fix the world, the full time devils might just win after all.

Thank you.

Holy Bible
Positive Parenting
Brainy Quote
Good reads

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