Oops! There goes my...
Remember when you were very young, restless and extremely naughty, so much that you broke things like glass, dishes, your plastic ruler for school and how your parents would scream at you?
That has got to be normal, just that we sure had an innocent yet a perspective different from that of the present, but the most memorable thing I think you'll probably easily remember breaking maybe your toy car or Barbie doll and the reason is because you held it close to your heart being a personal companion that you loved so much because it never judged you and you let your emotions run free with it as you proudly become your true self, You'd run to daddy or mummy like a helpless child runs to his or her hero to have a problem solved, just by crying out loud like, oops! There goes my toy dad, I think its broken.
"I wanted this world to still. I wanted to fix it and be fixed within it. But everything was on the move, the clouds, the wind..."Hisham Matar
Here we go again
There are loads of serious issues in the real world or rather in the world beyond your fence when you were little, like there has always been a wild dog around the corner which was probably rabid, there have always been germs and sharp objects on the outside floor which is why you always had to have your shoes on, and while you ate bread and butter you probably didn't have a reason in the world to bother about the poor and hungry kids in Somalia, the bombings in Afghanistan or even the incessant earthquakes in Asia.
"You once told me you wanted to find yourself in the world, and I told you to first apply within, to discover the world within you. You once told me you wanted to save the world from all it's wars, and I told you to first save yourself from the world and all the wars you put yourself through"... by Suzy Kassem
Life is perfect
Planet Earth boasts a whooping 7 billion human population not to talk of the millions of countless other creatures, organisms and plants, in the light of this it is extremely impossible not to have crisis in every available sector or corner, technically justifying our over-ambition for feats way out of our leagues, competition for vanity we don't necessarily need, criticism of actions we cannot understand and envy of things we cannot control.
"Stop trying to fix yourself, you're not broken. You are perfectly imperfect and powerful beyond measure"...Steve Maraboli
The first time I heard that anti-virus manufacturers probably had a hand in the spread of potentially dangerous cyber malware I got quite taken aback, but it also all came together in my head like an eureka moment.
We all deserve to figure it all out, we are all relatively free to do whatever we want especially if we're smart and have enough will power. Its an exploitative world where giants are concerned more or most about the bottom line even if it is at the expense of the health, peace and lives of the innocent and relatively less ambitious populace.
There are rumours as well as indications that they are true of terrorism aside being propaganda, also a huge business to forcefully create a weapon market, with the ripple effects being wars, crimes, hate and avoidable violence, and yet we pray knowing fully well that we deliberately altered the Eco-system, we deliberately troubled the slumbering leviathan and now that it is terrorizing our lives we ignorantly scamper for virtual safety.
We have become hypocrites even to our own very selves, we preach one thing and do another, we cause a disease only to make a cure in order to generate taxes and tax-like revenues from an entire population that we have placed on their toes like ballerinas.
Surprisingly our kids in the upcoming generation are taking the cue perhaps unconsciously, imagine a friend's daughter deliberately rips out the head of her cute Barbie doll just to get attention.
I'd let the Yankees in on this one just as they say, if it ain;t broke, don't fix it...ciao
Thank you,
Akin Abimbola (akinzogee@yahoo.com)
Good Reads
Brainy Quote
Unaplolgetically You:Reflections on life and the Human experience
Anatomy of disappearance
Apply Within (Rise up and salute the sun)
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