When the
world started to exist and man took charge of it, there had always been a need
to creatively stay alive, or rather make life worth much more to live for
especially with our insatiable nature running proportionally along the same
line with the inexhaustible beauties that life genuinely has to offer. Man also
had to make the element which support life succumb to him, and there also was
stagnant water in the backyard, which apparently didn't only breed flies and
reptiles, it also had a really nasty stench.
Also there
was a need for man to project into the future with optimism, perhaps by
thinking big outside the virtual box especially when it is fostered through
relatively extreme circumstances, like having to make fire, surviving the cold
and having clean water, indeed necessity is the mother of invention.
who thinks the world is always cheating him is right. He is missing that
wonderful feeling of trust in someone or something"...Eric Hoffer
Attitude trail
when you’re in that still state and environment, the serenity and calmness
makes you drift away in thought. The peace inspires you to see things in a
whole new light, for instance bad guys and murderers would still unwittingly
act kindly to a child due to the infectiousness of the kid’s innocence. Also, a
strong and aggressive man is soothed and won by the love and loyalty of a
woman, while words fitly spoken and well crafted flattery turns away the fury
of an angered mob.
It is all
in our minds, the fact that we can fake it till we make it actually means we
can assume great things are possible in as much as there isn’t a thing to lose,
we simply should have the right attitude by being positive, having faith and truly
meaning well for other people as what goes around comes back around.
only one person is missing and the whole world seems
depopulated"...Alphonse De Lamartine
Love and Hate
Some say
love is an ability to make sacrifices, but we either run away from the action
part of the sentence, taking it completely out of context being that sacrifices
can be relative, or we just pretend to be victims when needed.
to the Holy Bible, Jesus demonstrated the highest degree of love by dying for
sinners, too bad his crucifixion was borne out of hate, how ironic can life get
if we aren’t actually missing something. Jesus showed us that we can defeat that
with true love for our enemies, a timeless principle that works till this day.
The principle of doing things wisely and differently was further described in
Stephen Covey’s best seller ‘7 habits of highly effective people’, where he
talked about pausing to think before acting when a stimulus is applied, the
resulting action should be delayed so that you can take control of your
“Rough diamonds may sometimes be mistaken for worthless
pebbles”…Thomas Browne
We currently live in a very fast paced world where we
move with the speed of light and you could be left behind if you can’t keep up.
In this present world, if you’re not chasing something, then you can be sure
that something is definitely chasing you. We live in a world where you must pay
bills through your nostrils and where there is massive peer pressure in a
misguided world of hypocrites, greedy propagandists with ulterior motives and
mega rich organizations that make their fortunes by exposing our lives to
danger for the benefit of racking up a substantial bottom line which they use
to acquire vanities which are not necessary and by implication confuses the
younger generation to be stereotypes that should continue, creating an
increasing debt profile.
A school of thought encourages us to recognize and
exploit the opportunities and resources that the world has to offer to maximum
levels, but the continuous exploitation and exploration we embark upon makes the
world poorer, people greedier and sees environmental degradation on constant
rise, robbing the poor of health and hope, and stealing the souls of the rich.
We can all be Heroes
The priorities that God set for man in order to be in
charge of the world is gradually being lost out of sight as we have settled for
milestones that are beneath our standards. Now we propagate the depletion of
morals, we choose lesser evils as alternatives to healthy lifestyles; we
embrace material things at the expense of precious human lives in search from
enduring vanity to please other folks such as ourselves, spurring them to unnecessary
insecurity, inferiority and envy.
Of course now is the time we need heroes that shall
perform miracles that can bring us back from our lost ways to moral
consciousness, we need heroes that will remind us of who we really are so that
we can save and preserve our souls. At this crucial time, it is highly
imperative that we become heroes in our communities so that we can save
ourselves from the monsters that we have inadvertently become all for the sake
of our quest to living up to the image and what the uncanny world expects of
What are we missing? We are missing ourselves, we are
missing our love for each other, the strength that our unity can create,
and the change it can ultimately bring to the world.
Thank you folks.
Akin Abimbola (
7 habits of highly effective people
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