Yes I know, it sure sounds like a very silly question especially in our presently virtually volatile and literally confused society where we mysteriously happen to find ourselves, or perhaps a reality where we're just waking up to for the umpteenth time.
Really though, is there a problem?...At least our great thinkers and sages from yester-years already courageously affirmed to us the golden quote which has become imperative for us to engrave upon our hearts that 'A problem identified is half-solved'. So, if there really is a problem, what is it?
"Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it"...Lou Holtz
It's such a shame that we humans aren't perfect, or maybe it's a good thing, not just because our imperfectness depicts God's superiority over us, but also because if we were indeed perfect, it'll most probably get in our heads and thus there may arise a very high tendency that we'll become the very villains that we abhor.
"The problem is not the problem; The problem is your attitude about the problem...Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of The Caribbean)
Is there a problem, really?...Are we seriously asking this question?
I am ghastly taken aback at the enormity of the problems that aim at drowning us. It has become routine and negatively stereotypical for us to constantly shiver in fear especially in the face of the disasters that we ourselves have mindlessly created.
Poor Earth was basically existing in peace, though perhaps idle and boring so to speak. It laid there filled with adventures, potential and a future as her raw and natural beauty left creatures to explore the eco-system and for man to observe in awe of her magnificence. Man however it his quest to cure his boredom tried to be creative in his existence allowing necessity to birth invention to support man's living, but at a price, there is a problem.
"For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow...Ecc.1:18
A school of thought would claim that man met problems on earth upon arrival, but what problems were they precisely?...I'd rather say man met challenges on earth, then in the course of blazing the trail in making the earth more interesting, that is when the problems arose.
The world's worst disasters are pollution (London's killer fog, 1952) which killed 12,000 people, Fire (Al-Mishraq fire, 2003), Explosion (The nuclear power plant explosion in Chernobyl, Russia, 1986), Oil fires (Kuwait Fire, 1991), Oil spill (Exxon Valdez oil spill, Mar. 24, 1989) and loads more.
"Don't fight the problem, decide it"...George C. Marshall
This is why short and long term planning has become grossly imperative for individuals, families and even companies, taking into cognizance possible and inherent dangers and providing commiserate measures to possibly counter them.
"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced"...Soren Kierkegaard
What is the problem?
Sometimes, it seems as though the right question to indeed ask ourselves is 'what is not the problem?', because there is an apparent void in the contents which we provide when tasked by nature and principles to analyze the truths and realities before our very eyes. We're in an age where bad can mean good, languages and figures of speech can be twisted, colours are made complicated, perceptions are relative and even our precious lives are made virtual especially by its occupancy and dependency on the internet.
This has however clearly outlined the significance of ingredients in food, especially salt in soups and sauces. Well, the actual point is that for a society to be balanced there has to be a healthy blend of the bad guys and the good, or maybe we should just say a bunch of critics, both constructive and destructive, then the pro-actives, the hard workers, the spectators, the villains etc In our personal lives they go more like, families as speed bumps, friends as traffic lights and so on.
These features somewhat plays out in the ultimate project of shaping our reality both physically and virtually or intangibly.
So is there a problem...really?. Have you been following at all? Truth is I'm not perfect and also most probably depending on prevailing circumstances and level of knowledge and exposure especially in comparison and direct proportion to yours, it has become out rightly relative.
The answer is yes by the way, I mean to the question if there was a problem, but that is not the problem really, I'm sure you know that by now.
Thank you.
Akin Abimbola (
Sources: Google
Holy Bible
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