"As long as I am breathing, in my eyes, I am just beginning"...Criss Jami
It's an opportunity to blame last year for our inadequacies and alibis for past failures, and claim to have new year resolutions and start a clean sheet, aspiring a new lease on life bla bla bla.
"It wasn't about finding myself as I've been here all along. It was about understanding myself"...Dominic Riccitello
The smarter and more influential people dictate the pace of the human race, ranging from economy to spirituality, we then have the luxurious gift of psychological and philosophical mash-up of confusion.
We want to do the right thing, but then it doesn't matter when you consider the bottom-line of a multi-national company where their activity is vaguely less different from a village massacre, and when you dig further, you find that government policies favour them at your detriment.
"To dress up today in the threadbare garments of yesterday is to create an impoverished tomorrow...Craig . D. Lounsbrough
For instance, smoking is bad, alcohol is dangerous, guns are lethal, inside trading is illegal, drugs are toxic, yet they are all at their record highs, like they are deliberately being escalated, skyrocketing the short life-span of man, threatening the existence of our dear humanity.
Development has been a testimony to planet Earth, well...complementing mother nature, improving the quality of life of man, though at the expense of our longevity, substantiating the assertion that the world has now perhaps become a prison designed to cage our creativity and potential potential.
"Rightly understood the New year is an act of faith. It is easier for the year to change than to change ourselves. But we believe that somehow, magically, one will lead to the other"...R.Joseph Hoffmann
Then, there comes a time when you heed a certain call, a call that tends to free your soul and loosen your mind and thoughts, literally lifting a heavy load off your shoulders, of-course not I'm not talking death, I'm only describing the rare attainment of inner-peace which is achieved as a result of the courage to embrace reality and get things done with our hands which cannot deceive us, rather than settle for the predominant mediocrity and constant celebration of banality which encourages us to undermine the law of cause and effect and principles such as gravity and leverage that can either bless or curse us as the case may be.
But then, a flash of light moves past, perhaps faster than a falling comet doomed to blaze with fury into the wilderness of space, a flash culminating into an explosion of the multiple activities giving to earth to the bewilderment of men, many men, many a men, we inclusive, where man reaches a point of crossroads with not a single iota of remote hope, then he breaks down hoping to communicate with a higher and supreme being, then tears fall from his eyes as his soul truly seeks to connect to a perceived source, then burdens loose and peace does arise.
Then even I realize, there really is a reason to say Happy New Year, and thank God for it too.
Thank you.
Akin Abimbola (akinzogee@gmail.com)
Sources: Google
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