Psychologist Fathali M. Moghaddam, Director of the conflict studies program at Georgetown University, explains how and why worldwide insecurity is rising and what steps we must take to quell or reverse that insecurity to make the future of the world more peaceful in his book, The New Global Insecurity: How Terrorism, Environmental Collapse, Economic Inequalities and Resources shortages are changing our world.

The book identifies globalization, the increasing diversity of population, and other sources of threat, insecurity and frustration in our contemporary world. It shows how they affect our effectiveness and well being and contribute to violence between groups, to terrorism and torture. This wide-ranging book considers traditional approaches to dealing with diversity, and points to a new approach based on scientific research and understanding of human nature

From my undiluted perspective, humans are as simple as they are complicated in relative terms, obviously depending on prevailing circumstances. As Anais Nin beautifully and clearly put it "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are".
Our self concepts, insecurities, hopes and expectations all add up to determine how we react to interests conflicting or complimentary. Ranging from religion to education to culture and even political orientation usually based on hypothetical stereotypes, which amass a great amount of ambiguity that seem to overwhelm us, making us see only the impossibility of solving life's problems and mysteries.
Even if there exists a secret recipe capable of transforming the world into the perfect haven we endlessly long for, there continues to rise the tendency of such scenario never occurring. The world is filled with conspiracies, propaganda, monopolies, classified information, political undertone, being covered under the vices of religion, youth restiveness along with modern slavery and colonialism etc.

Hollywood is highly respected because of the adaptation of originality and content into motion picture under the supervision of credible censors board, in this light i shall not fail to make reference to a movie "The Adjustment Bureau" starring Matt Damon. The movie though entertaining, also educated us that what happens in every society is pre-determined, like we are acting a script of how highly placed and powerful group of people have designed the world to be.
Weather or not this is true, i really cannot tell, but i believe there is always an element of fact in every book or movie, except of course for natural disasters.

If Globalization is meant to bring us closer together so that we can share, enjoy and benefit from our diversity, then we must very much understand that some friction is inevitable, but when it spirals out of control so much that the world seems to frown at our union and spiritual bonding, do we still say life is perfect and that the world is beautiful?
Brothers have started to kill brothers for material gains, religious causes and lack of direction and understanding of ourselves and our future.
We constantly live in fear for our lives in terms of insecurities of food, shelter, clothing and health.
Most people walking the streets are psychologically imbalanced and no one knows when anyone can just lose it and become terrorists.

Even the new motion pictures such as After Earth, World war Z, Oblivion and the likes give a probable indication that the worst is highly anticipated, taking advantage of people's fear to enrich the box office.
Maybe indeed Mother Earth is choking us, but we are the cause,
Sadly, i don't have an answer, but i think if we come together to join our perspectives, perhaps we can chart a course that will lead to a path of discovery. Only if we co-operate.
SOURCE: Google, Amazon.
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