I remember very well a fine story that i heard or rather eavesdropped while someone i usually saw in passing told a young lad at a park many years ago. It sounded superficial, but there hasn't been proof of weather it isn't true up till now, so brace yourself as it goes like this.
After God had finished molding man in his own image, just before he proceeded to fill him with the breath of life, he paused to the amazement of the anxious angels that gathered up there in Heaven.
"Now that we are about to send man down into earth, we do realize that he is deserving of treasures, but shall we place them at his feet?"
"If i may my Lord, answered one of the angels, perhaps man shall appreciate the value of his wonderful treasures if they are buried in within the crust of the earth". I think not! replied another angel, "i think the treasures should be put atop the tallest mountain."
As God smiled in amazement, so did another angel said that the treasures should be kept under the rocks of the deepest ocean.
After a lot of angels gave their ideas and were exhausted, one angel that was apparently quiet and attentive the whole time got up to
After his quest for knowledge and his encounter of wisdom, he shall tire, and when he makes to rest, he shall then embark on a journey deep into his heart, the heart which flows with the issues of life, that he shall soon learn to diligently guard, deep in his heart where his treasures he shall cherish with all his life and his soul if he encounters it therein with the sobriety of the sages..
Little wonder why i really like Helen Keller's quote "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched-they must be felt with the heart.
Life has now become a testimony unto man, at the press of a button you can get your laundry done, you can watch live streaming media, you can run several miles in the comfort of your living room (treadmill), and you might as well create a variety of cuisines from our idea of a modest kitchen.
It is true and realistic that no one needs to re-invent the wheel, its just that we that have by default become passengers of the "Jet Age" most times ride carelessly on the leverage that creative men painstakingly went out of their comfort zones, amid sweat, blood and tears to make awesome discoveries that make life a better place to live in. Although the strive to discover and invent those things is what makes them feel alive and relevant anyway, but even at that i feel it is quite imperative to acknowledge them.
Man is a spiritual being having human experience, that is why the onus is upon him to first love and take care of himself before he can proceed to replicate the feeling to his environment.
The experiences which prevail over him together with his surroundings depending on the rate of intensity and his positive mental attitude and his capacity to hold on give him a great insight, vision and inspiration to invent the very item at a particular time that will change the course of humanity beyond life.
SOURCE: Google, Goodsalt.com, American Museum of Natural History, The 8th Habit : From Effectiveness to Greatness.
Since when did u turn to a poet?....now i can be all that i want to be cos u give me wings.
ReplyDeleteTrue, we are our very own inspiration...