
Tuesday, 25 June 2013


Then the Lord God said "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him"... So  the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh; and the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.

There, you have it, the fine and memorable biblical text apparently proves that women are men's sidekicks. Not bad, especially when you analyze the enviable cohesion and successful adventures of Batman and Robin, two heads are indeed better than one.
However do not get me wrong, women are not second fiddle.
I don't know if surprising is the appropriate word to describe the scenario with, but if not for the somewhat salient strength of women, there is perhaps a very high tendency that the planet earth could have spiraled out of control due to inevitable violence borne out of egocentric manly menace.
As Eleanor Roosevelt beautifully put it;
  "A woman is like a tea-bag, you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water".

New studies have continued to prove that women are smarter than men. They have higher concentration, organization and much more passion in following up the completion of tasks and responsibilities put in their charge till the very end.
Even in the Animal Kingdom, the female species of most animals are known to be the extremely vicious ones. They are protective of their off springs, they hunt for food for their family, and are out-rightly jealous if a fellow female kind violates their territorial rule and tries to steal their "men", and they definitely are not afraid to fight to death in its regard.

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition...Timothy Leary.

Honestly, from my perspective, i genuinely agree that women are in a class of their own. They are a peculiar kind of human that God specifically designed to complement the activities of men, despite their strength.
No doubt that man is designed to be physically active, able to pull down a mountain and challenge the leviathan. Women have the strength of matters pertaining to the heart, hence love which potently conquers all.

Women have always been the strong ones of the world. The men are always seeking from women a little pillow to put their heads down on. They are always longing for the mother who held them as infants...Coco Chanel.

No matter how big, strong and tough or wild a man may be, a woman has the key to taming him. This creates a psychological testimony, creating hormonal balance, thus making the world a peaceful and better place.

Little wonder women love the music of Shaggy titled "Strength of a Woman", hmm, who doesn't like to be celebrated, especially when there is indeed a possibility that you have mysterious and mythical powers that even the sages have no clear explanation for.

Although women have been attributed to a whole lot of havoc which the world trembled at and almost got completely annihilated from mere brushing through the whiskers of their fury.

Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned...William Congreve.

They are known to have brought down great men due to mere burns which the mystery of their power inflicted on their souls (Samson and Delilah).
They have also taken many a men to great heights which they probably would have never achieved if not for the subtle bites and kisses of the so called weaker vessels or is it sex? (Barack and Michele Obama.

Who can tame and even ride on a Tiger better than a woman? She would succumb to his snarl with feigned weakness, intimidate his prowl with a soft caress, she will skillfully magnify his ego in his own very eyes with the submissive purr of a cat and when he slumbers on her laps, she owns his soul and controls his destiny.
Indeed women have power.
Women are truly a vital part of the society, from the domestic perspective where they are calmer when dealing with the kids so much that the homework session goes smoothly (how many men have that patience? Even if they are getting paid for it), to the highest levels of government where they passionately and sometimes totally embrace principles and the laws which govern the Earth to make policies work. A good example is the great Margaret "Iron Lady" Thatcher God rest her soul.
Back in school, which bully dare whoops my bum? All i have to do is tell my mom, and the school might just be turned up side down, except of course if i can't afford to let the nasty boys that are up to no good shatter my ego especially by calling me "mommies boy".

So fellas, treat that woman like a queen, your mother, your wife or even that average girl from across the street, and you will be stunned at how powerful she is and at how much colour she could generously add to your life.

SOURCE: Google, Holy Bible (NKJV), Brainy Quotes.

Monday, 17 June 2013


Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. Buddha.

I remember very well a fine story that i heard or rather eavesdropped while someone i usually saw in passing told a young lad at a park many years ago. It sounded superficial, but there hasn't been proof of weather it isn't true up till now, so brace yourself as it goes like this.
After God had finished molding man in his own image, just before he proceeded to fill him with the breath of life, he paused to the amazement of the anxious angels that gathered up there in Heaven.

Angel's RejoicingThen God asked the multitude of angels,
"Now that we are about to send man down into earth, we do realize that he is deserving of treasures, but shall we place them at his feet?" 
"If i may my Lord, answered one of the angels, perhaps man shall appreciate the value of his wonderful treasures if they are buried in within the crust of the earth". I think not! replied another angel, "i think the treasures should be put atop the tallest mountain."
As God smiled in amazement, so did another angel said that the treasures should be kept under the rocks of the deepest ocean.
After a lot of angels gave their ideas and were exhausted, one angel that was apparently quiet and attentive the whole time got up to 

"My lord, we have been very attentive while you carefully molded this very fine creature we call man. You took your time to add into him very many little detail, gently marrying his intellect with his stamina giving him grace and astonishing gait, as you selflessly establish all your awesome features into him. In that case, he shall be very inquisitive so much that he shall dig deep into the earth till he meets with the core, he will be so anxious that he will climb the highest mountain, the will to unravel the mystery behind the leviathan of the sea should spur him to lift the rock that gently rests at the base of the deepest sea. 
 After his quest for knowledge and his encounter of wisdom, he shall tire, and when he makes to rest, he shall then embark on a journey deep into his heart, the heart which flows with the issues of life, that he shall soon learn to diligently guard, deep in his heart where his treasures he shall cherish with all his life and his soul if he encounters it therein with the sobriety of the sages..

Little wonder why i really like Helen Keller's quote "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched-they must be felt with the heart.

You will agree with me that the world used to be a jungle where our forefathers had to adapt to in order to survive and constantly re-procreate, until evolution gradually took place and man started to go the extra mile in being creative. Creative in the obvious sense of inventing stuffs out of necessity so that we can live a better life.
Life has now become a testimony unto man, at the press of a button you can get your laundry done, you can watch live streaming media, you can run several miles in the comfort of your living room (treadmill), and you might as well create a variety of cuisines from our idea of a modest kitchen.
It is true and realistic that no one needs to re-invent the wheel, its just that we that have by default become passengers of the "Jet Age" most times ride carelessly on the leverage that creative men painstakingly went out of their comfort zones, amid sweat, blood and tears to make awesome discoveries that make life a better place to live in. Although the strive to discover and invent those things is what makes them feel alive and relevant anyway, but even at that i feel it is quite imperative to acknowledge them.

Man is a spiritual being having human experience, that is why the onus is upon him to first love and take care of himself before he can proceed to replicate the feeling to his environment. 
The experiences which prevail over him together with his surroundings depending on the rate of intensity and his positive mental attitude and his capacity to hold on give him a great insight, vision and inspiration to invent the very item at a particular time that will change the course of  humanity beyond life.

SOURCE: Google,, American Museum of Natural History, The 8th Habit : From Effectiveness to Greatness.

Monday, 10 June 2013


Apparently, every kid can spell terrorism with ease these days as its search constantly hits perhaps about a million daily through search engine giant Google, as different strikes occur every now and then. Too bad right? i'd say.
Unfortunately or perhaps if there is a better word to describe it, especially if it can in this context be synonymous with "naturally", we easily fall back into our comfort zones shortly after the dust settles from another bomb explosion. We mourn the casualties, comfort the bereaved, pray for guidance and protection, thank God we are alive, and then move on, and deep down in our hearts we secretly tremble with an involuntary anticipation of another strike which we cannot possibly guaranty that our government can in any way avert.
Jean Baudrillard of The European Graduate school did a fine intellectual piece about "The Mind of Terrorism" an excerpt of which goes thus.

"We have had plenty of global events in recent years, from the death of Diana to the world cup, as well as plenty of violent and real events, from wars to genocides. But a symbolic event global in reach, an event that is not only broadcast worldwide but that threatens globalization itself had not yet occurred. For the lenght of the stagnant nineties, in the words of Argentine writer Macedonio Fernandez, "events were on strike" Well, the strike is over.
Events are back at work. With the attack on the World Trade Center, we have now witnessed the ultimate event, the mother of all events, an event so pure it contains within it all the events that never took place.

All the speeches and commentaries made since September 11 betray a gigantic post-traumatic ab-reaction both to the event itself and to the fascination that it exerts. The moral condemnation and the sacred union against terrorism are directly proportional to the prodigious jubilation felt at having seen this global superpower destroyed, because it was this insufferable superpower that gave rise both to the violence now spreading throughout the world and to the terrorist imagination that (without knowing it) dwells within us all"

How do you really identify a terrorist in a food chain which determines the aftermath of the healthy existence of an Eco system? 
Who is the "Antagonist" and whom can we refer to as the "Protagonist" in the scenario?
When ants eat the worm, and a lizard eats the ants, then a bird consumes the lizard, only for the fox to feast on the bird, while the lion makes the fox it's meal.

In real life situation, it is actually survival of the fittest where dog eats dog, not necessarily in a dog eating contest. The Pareto Principle still potently applies. A few people naturally have leadership potential and easily rise to the top of the food chain where dinner is conveniently served in a gold platter.
It will be easy, more like playing a game of chess with real people.

In a lighter view, or perhaps in a deliberate fashion of peripheral perspective (which is absolutely questionable), who do we consider a terrorist, the one who challenges me for my resources on my soil or i that bravely stands up to fight for my right? In line with principles the table actually turns. We become different people at different times depending on the different prevailing circumstance at each point in time.
Our inquisitiveness, diversification and versatility usually determine how well we unleash the truth and how eventually bewildered we become by the fact we choose to embrace and the complementing contrast.
Whatever happens or the world comes up with, they are sure to either blow us all up, or simply blow up our minds, and yes, just like terrorists.

SOURCE: Google, The European Graduate school.

Monday, 3 June 2013


Psychologist Fathali M. Moghaddam, Director of the conflict studies program at Georgetown University, explains how and why worldwide insecurity is rising and what steps we must take to quell or reverse that insecurity to make the future of the world more peaceful in his book, The New Global Insecurity: How Terrorism, Environmental Collapse, Economic Inequalities and Resources shortages are changing our world.

The book identifies globalization, the increasing diversity of population, and other sources of threat, insecurity and frustration in our contemporary world.  It shows how they affect our effectiveness and well being and contribute to violence between groups, to terrorism and torture.                                                              This wide-ranging book considers traditional approaches to dealing with diversity, and points to a new approach based on scientific research and understanding of human nature 
From my undiluted perspective, humans are as simple as they are complicated in relative terms, obviously depending on prevailing circumstances. As Anais Nin beautifully and clearly put it "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are".
Our self concepts, insecurities, hopes and expectations all add up to determine how we react to interests conflicting or complimentary. Ranging from religion to education to culture and even political orientation usually based on hypothetical stereotypes, which amass a great amount of ambiguity that seem to overwhelm us, making us see only the impossibility of solving life's problems and mysteries.

Even if there exists a secret recipe capable of transforming the world into the perfect haven we endlessly long for, there continues to rise the tendency of such scenario never occurring. The world is filled with conspiracies, propaganda, monopolies, classified information, political undertone, being covered under the vices of religion, youth restiveness along with modern slavery and colonialism etc.

Hollywood is highly respected because of the adaptation of originality and content into motion picture under the supervision of credible censors board, in this light i shall not fail to make reference to a movie "The Adjustment Bureau" starring Matt Damon. The movie though entertaining, also educated us that what happens in every society is pre-determined, like we are acting a script of how highly placed and powerful group of people have designed the world to be.
Weather or not this is true, i really cannot tell, but i believe there is always an element of fact in every book or movie, except of course for natural disasters.

If Globalization is meant to bring us closer together so that we can share, enjoy and benefit from our diversity, then we must very much understand that some friction is inevitable, but when it spirals out of control so much that the world seems to frown at our union and spiritual bonding, do we still say life is perfect and that the world is beautiful?
Brothers have started to kill brothers for material gains, religious causes and lack of direction and understanding of ourselves and our future.
We constantly live in fear for our lives in terms of insecurities of food, shelter, clothing and health.
Most people walking the streets are psychologically imbalanced and no one knows when anyone can just lose it and become terrorists.
Even the new motion pictures such as After Earth, World war Z, Oblivion and the likes give a probable indication that the worst is highly anticipated, taking advantage of people's fear to enrich the box office.
Maybe indeed Mother Earth is choking us, but we are the cause,
Sadly, i don't have an answer, but i think if we come together to join our perspectives, perhaps we can chart a course that will lead to a path of discovery. Only if we co-operate.

SOURCE: Google, Amazon.