“It is the lives we
encounter that makes life worth living”…Guy de Maupassant
If you are an ardent follower of my modest blog, you
might have realized by now that I’m a sucker for movies so much that they
apparently help clarify and make my points on thought provoking topics ring a
virtual bell. Well in the light of this, here goes another.
A few years ago after I let my younger brother use my
computer, he returned it after he was done, but not the way I gave it to him
initially. My Laptop computer came back to me with its hard drive filled with
classic movies, hmm he got me, and of course he is welcome to borrow it again
As you would probably expect, I now had my own private
cinema, only I had to make my pop corn myself, fair enough.
After watching several movies at different spare periods,
one day I came across this movie with a simple title ‘Freedom Writers’. Yes I
love anything that pertains to writing as it is a getaway hobby of mine, but a
movie about writing? I had to check it out, enthusiastically.
“A man is like a
novel; until the very last page you don’t know how it will end. Otherwise it
wouldn’t be worth reading”…Yevgeny Zamyatin, We
I remember when growing up, I practically used to brag to
my friends and family about how much of a hard dude I was so much that no movie
could break me, especially of course Indian movies that are characterized with
sentimental songs and sultry choreography. Well, I’m not trying to market the
‘Freedom Writers’ movie, but the truth is it had an unusual grip on me, and as
the story gracefully unfolded in addition with the characters interpretation, I
must say truthfully that I got teary at some point, yes, the story did break me
after all, not to pieces though.
I don’t want to give it all away, neither do I want to be
a movie spoiler in case you haven’t seen it, but basically the story was about
a good teacher that took it upon herself to straighten up the lives of certain
unruly kids, how? She reached deep into their hearts in an unexpected and
perhaps an unusual way, selflessly, no matter whatever it took.
Erin Gruwell was so passionate about salvaging the future
of disobedient kids so much that she was able to intelligently point out the
salient fact that if a lawyer had to defend a kid in the court room, the battle
was already lost, rather she’d be a teacher and correct them before they got to
the streets broken, wow! That is good enough a heart for me.
‘What we know
matters, but what we are matters more”…Brene Brown
Erin Gruwell brought herself down to the level of the
kids under her watch in the school she taught in and strategically addressed
racial profiling and also helped them reminisce on the important folks that the
kids lost to thoughtless violence and gang wars, reaching deep into their souls
and most sensitive points to clearly express the reason why it is senseless to
partake in it, and to help them ascribe value to their personal lives. She
inspired them by taking them on excursions to museums and to simulate well
archived past racial violence and encouraged them to vent their anger on paper
rather than society, thus ‘Freedom Writers’ Diary’ what a therapy.
“Even though human
life may be the most precious thing on earth, we always behave as if there were
something of higher value than human life”…Antoine de Saint
So what is your life worth in the midst of all the craze
and rancor that has held the world hostage and left it under siege?
What is your life worth to the fortune 500 companies that
have no regard for our lives so far their executives can add multiple zeroes to
their bottom line while they throw caution to the wind when they compromise
standards in manufacture of drugs and carelessly dispose toxic waste sin
residential areas and local coastal lines, diminishing tendencies of future
What is your life worth to the propagandists that
constantly destructively criticize terrorists, meanwhile they have large stakes
in the multi-billion dollar market of the advanced weaponry that the rebels use
to scare and massacre us?
Even if Erin Gruwell lovingly won our hearts today,
qualifying her for a reputable case study on matters of human worth, we must
however not fail to realize that it is a tiny fragment compared to how much we
can actually max out our potentials so much that we may realize the limitless
things we can achieve.
“Follow your dreams. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but it’s going to be worth it”…Moffat Machingura
Thank you.
Akin Abimbola (akinzogee@yahoo.com)
Brainy Quote
Good Reads
Might Flight
Freedom Writers
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