Look around you
I know, it either sounds
like a dim-witted or a rhetorical question right? (Yeah right!), perhaps a
quarter of the entire world are unemployed and here we are apparently speaking
grammar and reducing countless precious lives to facts, figures, pizza-sized pie
charts and chocolate-like bar charts, where government enthusiastically release scary statistics of unemployed population, yet provide feigned drastic approach, so much for a presumed sane, negatively
stereotyped and culturally flawed and imperfect world that we have to adapt to
creatively or weakly. Interestingly, considering relativity, reversal
psychology and paradigm shifts, anyway you look at it, you may actually be
right, look around you, life is probably perfect.
“People are wrong when they think that an unemployed
man only worries about his wages; on the contrary, an illiterate man, with the
work habit in his bones, needs work even more than he needs money. An educated
man can put up with enforced idleness, which is one of the worst evils of
poverty…George Orwell
Did you have any busy body
friend while growing up…who didn’t? That is if you weren’t actually one
yourself, anyway, remember how a pain in the ‘you know what’ it was? More like
getting into very ‘unprofitable’ venture, I could still without guilt give the
bumble bee more credit, at least it supplies us with blessed honey which is
more than useful to humanity.
My point? The world is
full of bunches of potentially multi-talented critics that usually maintain a
standpoint for the optimal goal of being vaguely relevant, perhaps due to a
pressure on their egos for being or feeling remotely inferior and eventually
incompetent, for instance, how many critics do you know that actually made a
point and a good living and you choose as a role model? I can’t think of any.
They get busy quite
alright, more like wasting precious time identifying problems without actually
balancing the equation by finding solutions, this makes them destructive
critics. It’s like it’s hard to build a house, so if you actually want to do it
then put your back to it and completely get the job done, not stop midway, make
someone else look bad and drool over spilled juice or whatever.
Global Issue
Where do we start to
outline global issues and not stop to throw a hiss of it….is it security first
of, guns and ammo manufacturing, drugs use and trafficking, trades and
investment, manufacturing, money laundering, unfairly stringent economic
policies and so much more?
“The problem of getting a job is that it gets in the
way of getting rich”…Robert Kiyosaki
There was this very fine
article I saw some time ago titled ‘The Emigrant’s attitude’. It kind of
outlined the maximum commitment that emigrants put into their work and hustle
perhaps because they have literally burnt their bridges while travelling to
chart a new course in an unfamiliar territory, working round the clock to earn
a good living and reasonable savings, exploiting opportunities that even the
true citizens fail to take advantage of.
All of that for what?
right? Here, there is a valid opportunity to have a pretty much bigger picture,
the desire to actually become rich, rich in a sense however as you’d predict I’ll
admit is awesomely relative.
Some folks are not overtly
ambitious for lots of material wealth, perhaps it makes them uncomfortable, or
maybe they’ve had a near death experience which makes them realize that a life
with so much frivolities and overbearing luxury is not at all as worth it as it
seems so much that they give most of their wealth away when they start to feel
apparently crazy, and so they seek peace, in quiet places which is now actually
expensive by the way.
Want to work or just get rich?
Be true to yourself, if
you had a billion dollars would you ever work again? You don’t have to tell me
the answer, rather you should tell yourself the answer, that way you cannot lie
to yourself.
My answer to that question
would be, in as much as I’d have as much fun as can be, I’d still work anyway,
even if my work would be planning and creatively investing my mysterious
pot of gold, it’s just that there might be a slight problem.
Ever heard of ‘self-concept’?
Technically it’s the mental image or perception that one has of oneself. It is
also called self-identity and it’s a collection of beliefs about oneself that
includes elements such as academic performance, gender roles, sexuality and
racial identity. So by implication, the proportionality of this to my new found
wealth will determine if I will well utilize the money or go ahead to unconsciously
destroy it, my choice.
“When employees unite, they form a union but when
business owners unite, they form a team”…Robert Kiyosaki
Are you employed?
So do you have or want to
get a job? I know what you’re thinking, is this guy stupid or crazy, who’s
going to pay the bills, duh?
Perhaps your geographical
location is what determines if your current job is by choice or circumstance,
and with your level of education and exposure whether you want to be rich and
what being rich actually means to you.
All these multiple webs of
choices, circumstances, destinies, meaning, content and purpose also have a
huge part to play in your life whether you’ll easily adopt the emigrant’s
employment mentality attitude or if you’re going to be handing out colourful
Mind you, if you already
have a job you’re comfortable with, you best hold unto it even if you have big
dreams, just remember there is a word called multi-tasking, just set a target
before all that backlog of personal sacrifice takes its toll on your health (I’m
not being judgmental).
Do we really need jobs? Seriously, are you kidding?, of course our jobs are the reasons we are still here, the question is what kind of job are you presently doing, why and how can you use it to make life better? Remember, its an opinion, you choose.
Down and out in Paris and
At even one penny, this
book is over-priced
Rich dad poor dad
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