"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Eintstein.
Of course majority of us are fully wrapped up in the stereotype that only when very obvious and extra-ordinary things do occur has a miracle been performed. For instance, we are aware of the Biblical chronicles which recorded the great deeds of Jesus, wherein he turned water into wine at an event, fed an amazing multitude of five thousand people with just five loaves of bread and two fishes with an unbelievable twelve baskets of remnants, he helped the blind regain sight and blew our minds by raising the dead. I wouldn't necessarily say he did all that to get attention, rather we were made to understand that was just who he was.
I was privileged to come by an interesting story some years ago, and it's however a great honour having to share it with you;
There was this young lad who apparently was quite fashionable, having style and what young ones of this generation generally refer to as swag. One day when the lad was about to go out to an event, he discovered that he had no matching shoes. This made him feel very sad, eventually he reluctantly managed to put on a pair of shoes that he didn't quite like. On his way to the event, something interesting happened. As he walked briskly past the railway crossing, he incidentally glanced around, as if to be momentarily distracted from his worry, and behold, sitting on the ground were a large number of beggars, they were so impoverished and begging for alms so much that they failed to realize or take notice of the fact that they had no feet, talk less of shoes.
"Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see". - C.S.Lewis
I like the text which says that the best things in life are free. Common and think about it, all our lives we look for happiness and fulfillment in money and several other material things. But sadly, we forget to appreciate the sunlight, we fail to let fresh air clear our breath, we don't take notice of the kisses and hugs from family and friends, and most of all, we underestimate life itself. There are people who struggle to eat each day, health conditions have ridden people of joys so much that they can't help but brew jealousy for you and me. They actually don't long for fancy dresses and fast cars, rather they want to be loved, want to breathe easily, want to be assured they won't pass away tonight so that they can be taken for a walk by the park tomorrow in other to smell and feel the freshness of the rose.
Without prejudice; I feel worry and utter disappointment sometimes at the paradigm of various African settings when it comes to vital issues pertaining to life which they unequivocally take with obvious levity. Yes, if you spare the rod you'll eventually spoil the child, but that doesn't mean 'kill the child'. In a sheer quest to enthusiastically build up children, many a African publicly curse, beat and humiliate children in many ways possible, making them seem inhuman and allowing people to think the children are slaves that you don't appreciate from God, therefore blind to the miracles before their very eyes.
"I am realistic. I expect miracles." - Wayne. W. Dyer
It gets better though, especially when you get to the hospital, perhaps to visit someone or to treat a minor ailment and you see people in much worse condition than you, especially those that find it hard to breathe, eat or even use the bathroom. So i hereby implore to please continually smile and have a positive mental attitude in every facet of your life, you never can tell, you might be the miracle someone anticipates. And again, trust me, you even reading this piece is one heaven of a miracle, go ask somebody.
Thank you,
Akin Abimbola (akinzogee@gmail.com)
Holy Bible
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