"The Athlete of today is not an Athlete alone. He's the center of a team - Doctors, Scientists, Coaches, Agents and so on"...Emil Zatopek.
Back in nursery school, i remember vividly my teacher constantly emphasizing that we pray, especially by just saying "Thank you Lord".
Even if i didn't understand its significance back then, it was sure a lot of fun.
As interesting and engaging as that under-estimated act was, it created a kind of notion and perhaps a vague awareness that there was a superior authority that required us to look up to, like a mentor and comfort.
It molded us into mature children anticipating something colourful out of life, making us feel not just alive, but human.
"I believe every era has its significance and the same holds true for players and coaches"...Sachin Tendulkar.
Timely Manifestations;
As the scenario became prettier, discerning teachers that noticed the different gifts each kid had tried to help harness them.
Talent is not enough;
Apparently, Talent has become grossly overrated and has resolved to take the back seat in modern times.
Look at the world acclaimed soccer for example, by default, there are a lot of naturally talented footballers spread all over the world, but the ones we can recon with are those that perfected their craft enough for us to pay to watch, making them an embodiment of fortune.
In their destined quests to become sports legends, they encountered a fairy godmother otherwise known as the coach, and the pumpkin carriage along with the pets that complement, that is the team.
Without the blend of such ingredients we never could have heard of the likes of soccer legends like Pele, Maradonna, Messi and the rest.
Parental Heroics;
People that have succeeded in their careers under the coaching and supervision of their parents or parent are numerous and they include: The Jackson 5 coached by their dad to form a singing wonder group which went ahead to produce the legendary Michael Jackson, and The Williams Sisters that were also coached by their dad, but in this case they were nurtured by their dad to become tennis superstars from a very young age, and they did live up to the vision.
Involountary Disempowerment;
Internationally acclaimed life coach, Stephen. R. Covey of blessed memory painted an exemplary scenario in his best seller "7 Habits of highly effective people" where a father screamed at his daughter and what happened was as follows.
"She becomes outwardly submissive, but inwardly rebellious, suppressing feelings to come out in uglier ways in the future".
We all know every parent love their children and will do anything to help them become the best they can be, but surprisingly, not only kids get the wrong message when they are being pushed very hard, adults under coaches tutelage also often shun the orders of their coaches when the training and the chastising seems to go too far, funny its for their own good.
Emotional Bank Account;
In response to this scenario however, Stephen. R. Covey apparently still has the antidote to the poison, it is the "Emotional Bank Account".
When it comes to improving and maintaining relationships, Stephen. R. Covey's metaphor of the Emotional Bank Account is perhaps the most powerful idea ever created for the development of interpersonal relationships. It basically means that anyone with whom we have a relationship, coworkers, family or friends, we maintain a personal "emotional bank account" with them.
Certain factors have to be considered to maintain an emotional equilibrium.
a, You have to understand the person.
b, You must keep commitments.
c, Expectations have to be clarified.
d, Little things are important and have to be attended to.
e, Personal Integrity is imperative.
f, You must sincerely apologize when you make a withdrawal.
Excessive withdrawal of emotional units usually by ways of fighting, nagging, back-stabbing, screaming, cheating without replacement with sincere apology and remorse usually causes relationships to turn sour.
Now check out the model of the enviable pride of lions, they hunt in unison, like a divinely ordained team of a sort. When they note their mark (prey), they spring to action like a squad with each member clearly identifying his role, no matter how vital or trivial. It becomes obvious in the chase that there is a mission definition. When the anticipated kill becomes difficult to bring down, unsurprisingly, the king of the jungle appears majestically to display superior prowess and gifted dominance, and most times, the rest is history that even the cubs usually get over-fed.
That sounds awesome right? hmm, but that is rather myopic compared to the feats achieved by we humans. The evolution of the human brain together with intuitive and creative synergy helps us to achieve so much more.
From the invention of the airplane to the common paper plane, humans got the world covered, it is all as a result of well researched and properly organized theoretical and practical manufacturing and production schedule and itinerary under government recommended guidelines which brings amazement to humanity.
Oh, and about wresting the moon from the skies, in as much as it is just a hyperbole, we already conquered it, so much that Neil Armstrong upon being the first person to land on the moon made a statement he probably rehearsed a thousand and one times in anticipation of the great moment which gave millions goose pimples, wait for it "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind".
Thanks to you all.
Akin Abimbola (akinzogee@gmail.com)
7 Habits of Highly Effective People; Stephen. R. Covey
Brainy Quote
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