There is this honest Banker friend of mine in his early thirties who conveniently built his own house to the amazement of his peers, me inclusive. Not a big deal right? then wait for it, he is the first born of eight, his dad is late, his mom is a diabetic, he is married with three kids, he is socially responsible and so much more. Yes it is still not much big a deal you'll say, but the bottom line is that he is responsible, and that is admirable.
If fifty percent of men followed his path the society could be much better.
Well, i know if you had a question on your mind, it'll be rhetoric, like what type of house did he build, Bungalow or Storey? And how did he make the money, being that he is a young banker and all that? hmm.
Modern research and discovery has continued to help people break away from negative stereotypes that have prevailed over our sub-conscious mind for as long as our fore-fathers could remember. There hasn't arisen any need to re-invent the wheel and the secrets which the angels have whispered into the ears of sober and attentive men have constantly yielded worthwhile results, hence no one wants to procrastinate anymore in fear of tomorrow being too far away, or it not being there when we eventually arrive in our convenient time.
In recent times, the number of young millionaires has not only increased exponentially, more like explosively with un-uniform geometric progression. Why? Why ask why? Like i said earlier, the world is being released from traditional stereotypical behavioral patterns, the discovery that humans have grossly under-utilized both human and natural resources has motivated us to maximize available potential, exploiting available opportunity so far we are alive and of course able.
"Seven deadly sins. Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Science without humanity, Knowledge without character, Politics without principle, Commerce without morality, Worship without sacrifice"...Mahatma Gandhi.
A big head start and possible motivation for the justification of young millionaires is a glance at best selling author of "Multiple streams of income" Robert G. Allen.
He emphasized in his popular and colossal best seller the dire need for individuals to have more than one financial source which he explicitly classified as Passive and Residual.
The new generation strongly prove that the regular words such as Hard work, Partnership and even Money can be seen in a whole new light and mean something different entirely, or can be further squeezed so tightly to reveal deeper meaning.
Hard work for instance today isn't the way it was decades or even centuries ago, what does a ground or road digger have to show for his excessive exertion of energy, he works really hard doesn't he?
Partnership is fast gaining a new meaning, it has gone far beyond professionals coming together to start a company, companies now share ideas with their clients being that the world has rapidly evolved and clients probably have more idea, experience, professionalism and resources to finance and execute projects, they are simply bonded by a shared vision with same anticipated result becomes the big picture.
Money they say answers all things, yet it's love is referred to as the root of evil, contradictory i'd say or rather more complicated.
Here is where "Self Concept" comes into play.
Self Concept (Also called Self-Construction, Self-Identity and Self-Perspective) is a collection of beliefs about ones self that includes elements such as academic, performance, gender roles and sexuality, racial identity and many others. Generally, Self-Concept embodies the answer to "Who am i?"
Self-Concept is distinguishable from Self-Awareness, which refers to the extent to which Self-Knowledge is defined, consistently applicable to ones attitude.
The Self-Concept includes past, present and future selves. Future or possible selves represent individuals' ideas of what they might become, what they would like to become or what they afraid of becoming.
These different selves correspond to one's hopes, fears, standards, goals and threats for their present selves.
The name that comes to mind when you hear Microsoft is of course that of the richest man on earth Mr. Bill Gates, who dropped out of the highly acclaimed Havard University to pursue his crazy idea of a dream that eventually brought him fortune. One interesting thing is that his fortune did not destroy his self-concept because he went through the eye of the needle. He spent years perfecting his craft, he failed at some points, cried, almost lost hope, probably gave up somewhere only to pick up again to the extent that he climbed the ladder of sobriety.
I get taken aback when someone says he has "too much money", apparently it is his self-concept that is actually speaking, meaning the money he has is surpassing the threshold that he can handle.
If you gave the richest African (According to Forbes Magazine) Aliko Dangote who is the President of Dangote Plc a billion Dollars, he will thank you with a smile and in no time turn the money over, but if you gave a young immature and myopic sighted youth, the money would probably kill him. It is all in the mind, and in the mind, self-concept.
Little wonder Financial Expert Robert Kiyosaki said in his best seller series "Rich Dad, Poor Dad: Cash Flow Quadrant", that when you make a large sum of money, the aftermath is the reflection of your future.
"As much money and life you could want, the two things most human beings will choose above all - the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them"...J.K.Rowling (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone).
Akin Abimbola (
Quotes about money
Brainy Quotes
Good Reads
Rich Dad, Poor Dad: Cash Flow Quadrant (Robert Kiyosaki)
Multiple Streams of Income (Robert G. Allen)
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