Where have you been?
Do you live in Nigeria or are you a Nigerian in Diaspora? Whichever category you belong (not leaving out other unenclosed ones especially foreigners), I’m sure you get the picture when I say or rather reiterate that there’s a whole lot of bumpy rides to brace up for, that is of course if we have made up our minds to commence on an imperative journey of a lifetime.
In case you’re wondering, what’s all the mambo jumbo this
poor dude is yakking about? I might as well ask where have you been? And even
if I cannot claim to be an authority in news casting like the daily tabloids, columns
or even Linda Ikeji, well here goes.
“So few people are
truly themselves when they are in the spotlight”…Lucinda Williams
Naija for Life
We are presently living the fast life in this dispensation dubbed the jet age where nations are being run like fortune 500 companies and by implication forces territories to adopt current features of multi-nationals such as rebranding. Dora Akunyili of blessed memory tried to adopt the initiative by giving Nigeria the motto: Good people, Great nation, but it apparently didn’t quite stick perhaps due to the timing because Nigerians didn’t seem prepared for it, maybe due to our low level of exposure and our level of intellect generally. Still tolling that line though, and perhaps in a bid to psychologically free ourselves ‘Naija’ seems to have stood the test of time better for an unofficial brand name.
“Man is not
imprisoned by habit. Great changes in him can be wrought by crisis”…Norman
Who are we?
Most people both home and abroad get bewildered the
moment the question pops up ‘where did we go wrong?’ like we have ever got it
right before.
Sadly though evidently, Nigeria is currently and
embarrassingly ravaged by terrorism, corruption, poor infrastructure, poverty
and a broken people without hope in their eyes who ironically live on top of
seeming infinite treasures.
“Plans are nothing,
planning is everything”…Dwight .D. Eisenhower
For me, the best question ever is what’s next? I pretty
much believe that everyone knows this, and that’s why people unconsciously ask
‘what’s up or ‘what’s happening?’ It’s like asking ‘what’s the plan?’ then
afterwards ‘what’s the next plan?’ which we generally call plan B.
Successful companies and countries around the world all
have tangible plans to achieve success, and of course plan B in case their
initial plan didn’t work out, here is where Nigeria got it all wrong
A school of thought justifies Nigeria’s lack of planning
by tying our aims and objectives to the set blueprint of the western world that
colonized us decades ago, enslaving our forefathers until the poor psychological
effect of the hateful and shameful act of dehumanization seeped right into our
subconscious minds which apparently constantly tells us that we amount to
I’ll personally consider this an alibi than a
justification in as much as it has changed the course of destiny and altered
the predestined eco system. Many nations are known to have taken a bold step
out of the world of mediocrity and indiscipline and have chosen a path of
liberation to be much better than they are, Nigeria on the other hand seems not
to fully understand the picture or the plan.
“There are two
futures, the future of desire and the future of fate, and man’s reason has
never learned to separate them”…John Desmond Bernal
The Future
In the midst of all these Nigeria doesn’t seem to be
aware nor ready to take advantage of the situation, rather, her citizens seem
to have clicked the self-destruct button by being corrupt, wasteful, inferior,
inconsiderate and devoid of planning.
Thank you.
Akin Abimbola (akinzogee@yahoo.com)
The Punch
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