
Thursday, 28 May 2015


Image result for images about self destruction“Ayo lo ‘n pani” (It is excessive joy that kills)…Yoruba proverb

Are you okay?

Have you ever been caught up in an incredible gush of excitement so unbelievably amazing and perhaps out of control that your adrenaline feels to be in excess, causing you to switch to an emotional overload mode, and then nothing on the face of the earth seemed to matter all?
 If you have indeed experienced such, then I wonder how you survived it, because such a condition has caused several lives to be cut short as a result of too much freedom and care-free attitude that is extremely devoid of the much needed sobriety which usually strikes a healthy hormonal balance for harmony of human existence.
I heard a story sometime ago about a naughty little lad who wanted to test the wisdom of an old sage. His plan was to catch a bird and hold it in his hands to his back, he would then ask the old sage what was in his hands, if the old sage got it right he would then ask if it was alive or dead. If he said it was alive, he would immediately squeeze life out of the bird, and if he said it was dead, he would triumphantly unleash the bird to fly, shaming the old sage.

Image result for images of a boy holding a birdWhen he actually appeared before the sage, his plan was going well until he asked if the bird was alive or dead, the old sage thought for a while looking up into the sky, then he smiled as he gave an unexpected answer, “my young lad, the answer is in your hands”.

Apparently, in the wake of human civilization it has been discovered that majority of human pain and misfortune arises due to unchecked self-infliction. 
Yes we humans are extremely unique set of mysterious creation, historically saddled with the responsibility of taking care of this same earth which we constantly expose to environmental degradation. It is also however affirmative that we are also a peculiar conception evidently a vital piece of an elaborate web of complex jigsaw of multiple system of systems that form multiple eco-systems and atoms which all make up the seemingly sane world that we exist in, with a life full of much potential which is at our mercy as to how the quality may eventually become

“For in much wisdom is much grief, and he that increases knowledge increases sorrow”…Ecc 1:18

An Awakening

Image result for images of awakeningAdaptation is one of the most powerful keys of the survival of mankind, in the quest or rather with the rise of the importance for man to stay alive; we humans took the initiative to swim with the tide by embracing the most constant thing in the world, change.
As the saying goes, stagnant water stinks, and an unchanged mind breeds reptiles of the mind, by implication, man has therefore resolved to tap into his fallow reservoir of genius to out of necessity invent and discover great devices that have helped support life and amazing theories that have also aided to elevate the existence of mankind respectively.

As reality and principles will however have it, where in some possible way that there is a tendency that we have crossed certain lines and created a turbulence in nature, our inventions coupled with the need to sustain them to concentrate on the bottom line regardless of human health and environmental preservation, and our discoveries with disregard to our spiritual orientation which has the tendency to disturb many a people’s psychological and cemented beliefs perhaps causes certain classes of people to become nothing but time bombs ticking away in our midst.
For instance; we know cars, trains and airplanes were invented for good reasons, yet when they have accidents they cause lots of casualties and sorrows which destroy families, but why were guns, bombs, electric chairs, guillotines and swords invented? It is obviously to take the lives that we cannot create, through wars and all sorts of conflicts, leaving us soulless.
And about the complicated and unverified theories by the so-called thinkers that claim that God whispers directly into their ears, exploiting the vacuum of leadership and the presence of discernment of direction, causing conflicting beliefs to cause terrorism in our minds, distorting our concentration from the main issues that require our attention to make the world a better place.

Sometimes you hit a point where you either change or self destruct”…Sam Stevens

Our Paradigm

Image result for images of paradigmHow we view the world is probably the most important window ever. When we respect the diversity of the various kinds of people on the face of the earth, we’ll understand that we all have extremely different ways of perception and comprehension which makes us less judgmental. We become more tolerant, appreciative of people’s strength and completing their weaknesses which we all have no matter how strong we seem or actually are.  
It is a new world so to speak, we can especially call it a jet age, and we evidently are faced with new challenges such as cyber world / crimes, corruption, terrorism, money laundering, obesity, hunger, pollution, poor / bad parenting (poor / absent mentoring), lack of values and content.
In the light of this, many advocates constantly cry out and protest the need for a better world devoid of all the diseases that mother earth is riddled with to no avail, yet there is a steady enthusiasm in view which gives rise for optimism like a light at the tunnel’s end.

“Sometimes we want what we want even if we know it’s going to kill us”…Donna Tartt


I know you’ve been expecting this, well…here it comes. Using Nigeria as a case study it is a spot on fact that if she continues to tread the slippery ground as is trending, it’s a recipe for total annihilation. Nigeria has a reputation for being so corrupt that it feels like second nature. There may not be well documented evidences, but it is not strange for government officials to partner with contractors to over bloat project costs and by implication cannot adequately monitor the projects whether it’s is properly executed or even carried out at all, and despite having made so much money at the expense of the citizenry still go ahead to loot the treasury without remorse of fear for possible national bankruptcy.

Image result for images of corruptionIronically, the ill-gotten loots are usually wasted on unnecessary luxury items such as jets, yachts, over-priced automobiles and jewelry and money laundering for investments abroad, leaving Nigerian citizens that need the monies for improvement of their lives to suffer.

Another instance and proof is the impunity which is so obvious for the world to see is the massive corruption, poor planning and implementation of vital projects, lack of content and presence of character assassination programs against the opposition party especially during the last election that became a free for all in the Goodluck administration which made the citizens to give up hope as to if Nigeria can ever get her groove back.
This development however became instrumental in the turn of events at the March 28, 2015 polls in Nigeria, making history for being the first time ever in Nigeria for an opposition to take over power from an incumbent government. Now that General Mohammed Buhari (Rtd) who was military head of state in 1983, and having a reputation for fighting corruption, has emerged President-elect, the expectation for an immediate change has so filled the air that you can feel it.

“Nigerians are making a big mistake if they are expecting GMB to turn stone to bread, of course he can try, but we have to change our attitudes in order to complement his efforts”…Ayo Ayembola (Political Analyst)

See why it is not good to use negative words to attack ourselves? Constant misconceptions, misrepresentations, deceits and character assassination has really born a dent of hate in the minds of many, so much that in our minds we have seized to truly love ourselves so much to be united at all cost.

Image result for images of buhari and jonathanThe high expectations however is as a result of Gen. Buhari’s pedigree which people abhorred at first but have eventually embraced due to the nose-diving Nigerian economy which needs urgent rescue. Technocrats, thinkers and professionals alike believe that the Buhari administration will garner a lot of support to curb corruption and perhaps diversify the economy which has been running solely on crude oil export which has been the mainstay of the Nigerian economy since its discovery in 1956.
It gets better though, the mismanagement of Nigerian resources such as NEPA, NITEL, NPA, NEPA, NSL, Nigerian Airways etc extended to making the three Nigerian refineries moribund. This has caused Nigeria to descend so low to importation of the fuel that we might a s well export fuel instead if we did the right thing without ulterior motives.

The continuous rot in the system which lingered long enough to naturally breed a cartel powerful enough to enrich themselves and hold the country to ransom by creating artificial scarcity intermittently lives up to its bidding, almost grinding Nigeria to a halt weeks to the handover of power on May 29, 2015 Nigeria’s official democracy day, even CNN announced that Nigeria was shutting down.

Image result for images of answerHow are we about to self-destruct? Well, other nationals despite the threats in the news about safety insecurities in Nigeria still constantly troop into the country for several reasons such as fantastic weather, lack of natural disasters and wealth opportunity of a sleeping nation within the grasps of government officials that failed to empower the citizens by neither providing basic platforms such as sustainable infrastructure and economy, but greatly idolizes foreign investors to exploit the monetary prospect of a sleeping giant that fails to produce quality products, if at all.

So is Nigeria on the brink of collapse or total destruction? Well, I used to be an incurable optimist, but now I resolve to simply be realistic, using principle centeredness as a yardstick to project and predict how our trajectory would go as it is absolutely important to have a plan.
So like the old sage said to the naughty little lad, “…the answer is in your hands”

Thank you.

Akin Abimbola (
