“Life isn’t hard, it
is the people of the world that have made it a war zone”… Ebenezer Obey (Nigerian Artiste)
Apparently, it becomes a somewhat impromptu wake up call
which instigates the citizens to change their normal behavior and orders
government agencies to implement emergency plans. But what do we call a
situation where conspiracy, bureaucracy and propaganda are used to manipulate
not just the minds and psyches of people, but also the media in the eye of the
storm of real danger.
“I am not. I’m just…
thinking. Without blinking… Summer Lane, State of Emergency (Collapse Series,
Are we at War?
There is a school of thought that if the rate of hate and
violence existing simultaneously at different parts of the world were combined,
it is equivalent to the magnitude of the First World War. The negative impacts
of violence from the world over have continued to reverberate beyond human
comprehension, ripping families apart, causing mistrust, birthing disloyalty, and
destroying our psychological well being.
The mysteries of the world in all ramifications which ranges
from physical strengths and challenges, intellectual content and lack of
initiatives, psychological cause and effect, spiritual healing, provocation and
even conviction to massive greed, intolerance, selfishness, deceit, and myopic
visions have continued to constantly blind us from what we should actually
see…the future.
“What greater war
could we be in, than with ourselves”… Unknown
United In Fear?
There is hardly any country in the entire world that is not
presently dealing with one crisis or another which is capable of consuming
them. From the separatists of Ukraine to the religious fanaticism in Egypt, from
drug war in Colombia to immigration issues in the USA, especially at Mexico
borders, and then to Leadership, greed, mismanagement of resources, avoidable
epidemics, unclear goals and complete lack of profitable direction in Mother
It is most probably high time we grew far beyond the western
colonialism saga and stopped dwelling upon the slave trade story, but instead
learn from the misfortune and circumstantial mistakes of ours that has haunted
us for as many centuries as we can remember.
“Peace is not merely
an absence of war. It is also a state of mind… Jawaharial Nehru.
Awareness, Ideas
& Initiatives
“Challenging the
meaning of life is the truest expression of the state of being human… Viktor E
Most adults of this generation and even older would have
their faces lightened up when they tell you that when they were much younger
their teachers referred to them as the leaders of tomorrow and that the country
looked up to them to make a huge and positive impact, but in Africa, they
become downcast as they come to the realization of how badly their nation has
disappointed them. Well, it apparently has a two dimensional view.
The second dimension is that, well yes of course Africa has
had a bad reputation of churning out extremely selfish and blindly corrupt
leaders very evidently devoid of both financial and emotional intelligence, and
her present predicament is the testimony available to show for it. Not wanting
to pass buck to any party, good to say that our destinies and future are
actually in our hands.
“Freedom has many
difficulties and Democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put a wall
up to keep our people in, to prevent us from leaving us.”…John F. Kennedy (35th
President of the USA)
Freedom of the Mind
The point being sought here basically is that different nations have peculiar
lifestyles and ways of life. So using for instance Western system as a
yardstick to judge the African culture will not produce fantastic results.
United States is a free Country of settlers, Europe has a royal lifestyle, Asians
have a reputation for hardworking and self-styled ancestral origin and Africa
has a history of deep rooted culture.
There has been consistent comments that Africa was a lot more peaceful and perhaps better before the advent of the British. They brought to Africa religion, work ethics and learning systems which has thoroughly made our population hand full of activity. Apparently they are the ones that best know how to utilize their religion and learning systems because here in Africa it has the downside of physical wars and that of the mind, allowing the love we once had for ourselves to implode right on our inside.
So who needs declaration of State of Emergency? we all do, our systems are full of ignorance, hate, greed, errors and misconceptions, therefore we are under siege and gravely in dire need of our saviour, ironically that will be a smarter version of ourselves.
Thank you.
Akin Abimbola (akinzogee@gmail.com)
Sources: Google
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Oxford Dictionary