
Sunday, 16 November 2014


"Truth without love is brutality, Love without truth is hypocrisy"...Warren.W,Wiersbe

 The Great Monopoly

Image result for images of monopolistic systemHow intriguing is it when you suddenly realize at some point in your life that you live in a world that can perhaps oddly sound awfully relative, in that some monopolistic predecessors have collectively somewhat put the world under check and virtual containment, and...wait for it, they pass the legacy down a secret line?

This may sound like an indictment or extreme assumption, but look around you today and take time to analyze everything and any single thing you can, from the history of structuring of education, creation and monitoring of electricity, internet, oil, gold, stock market, insurance, taxes, military intelligence, world power and many countless complex and even simple things that have apparently become offshoots of Government.

Imperative Control

There is a form of control, but please don't get me wrong, i have not said it's a bad thing for a measure of control to be in place, in actual fact it is highly imperative especially due potential erratic nature of random humans and also with the presence of terrorists, but the point here is that the control is so strong that by implication, just a hand full of the world population apparently become superior, while the entire lot move up and down like a bunch of clueless pawns.
Image result for images for truth vs lies

"No man means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is vicious"...Henry Adams

True Lies or lies at best

This is where truth comes to the fore. I and a good friend engaged in a communication sometime ago and the "Truth" subject came up. 'He said truth is relative' hmm, interesting right?

He said if someone was looking for me with the intent of killing me, which of course he wouldn't want. He'd tell me to hide, then he'd tell the potential assailant that he had no idea where i was, which of course would be a lie, but he only lied in order to save my life, make sense?

Then he moved on to a much higher level, which apparently has an alibi, 'information management'.
This goes way beyond collection and distribution of information to stakeholders, the salient point here is 'editing' of the information.

Image result for images for liesThis is why there (secretly) exists government agencies that manage the information that gets to the public, having a major excuse that it is for the greater good so as not to cause riots and loss of faith in government, ultimately creating destinies for innocent yet ambitious 'us', but which lies actually deter us?

"Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people around the world...would do this, it will change the Earth"...William Faulkner

For as long as I can remember, there has been rumours flying around about high level conspiracies of government which includes money laundering, child trafficking, drugs, contracts award etc

On the international scale however, the one that greatly bothers me is diseases creation. Diseases like small pox, AIDS and even ebola haven't had proven sources, so a school of thought says that there are several diseases that were manufactured in the laboratory perhaps so that a group of people can force a huge demand of drugs that can either manage or cure them, this is because the world is getting so fast paced and it is becoming all about the bottom line.
This is why wars will never end, especially in oil-rich, gold-rich, diamond-rich and even timber-rich nations, to forcefully create an arms market.

Image result for images for truth vs liesThe world has never been more insecure, from the transition of world power, to the fear of not surviving the next great depression, to the fact that the rich naturally want to get richer, unfortunately at the expense of the poor or rather those with the poverty of the mind.
Now is a good time not to call that your religious leader a nerd because all the stuff in the holy books are actually coming to pass, and fast too.
So does it make sense to be optimistic in times like this?...hmm, well, being a realist won't bite either i'd say. Like perhaps how surprisingly how simple it is what they'll teach you at Havard, 'What you have to do, do it well and quickly too', instead complaining, whining and even nagging, we should tell ourselves the truth, and if at all you have to tell true lies, i guess it'll have to be for the sake of saving life, like my friend did for me.

Thank you.

Akin Abimbola (

Sources: Google

Friday, 10 October 2014


Image result for images for "what's going on?""The statement by Paul McCartney that, although he was a pacifist, he couldn't be at this time of war. Which is as daft as being vegetarian between meals...Mark Steel.  


Close your eyes for a short moment and try to seize the courage to imagine this dark scenario. A bomb explodes in a public arena, and when the devastating news was broken to you, it also came with a further mind sting that your loved one was a casualty of the apocalypse. Now open your eyes.
Image result for images of an explosionSadly, in harsh reality, this scenario does not need any visualization or imagination for many people; this is because it actually happened to them. Lots of people have lost friends and even their entire families to various destruction such as physical, psychological and financial explosions and implosions. More sadly, apart from natural disasters, we are the cause of any other form of threat to human annihilation.

“Only the eyes that are calm can see the nose”…Yoruba proverb


I am an incurable admirer of philosophers and great thinkers that have helped free our minds from stereotypical cultures that have enslaved us for centuries and wrapped us in the envelope of fear, which incapacitates us.

Apparently, fearless as we may describe them, philosophers have only done ordinary things, only amidst extra-ordinary circumstances.

For instance, as far back as the 479 BC, Confucius, Master Kong Qiu as his name translates from Chinese remains the most important single philosopher in eastern history. He espoused significant principles of ethics and politics, in a time when the Greeks were espousing the same thing. 

Image result for images of philosophyWe think of democracy as a Greek invention, a Western idea, But Confucius wrote in his Analects that "the best government is one that rules through 'rites' and the people's natural morality, rather than using bribery and coercion. This may sound obvious to us today, but he wrote it in the early 500s to late 400s BC. It is the same principle that the Greeks argued for and developed: the people's morality is in charge, therefore rule by the people.

"An even distribution of political, economic, and military capabilities between contending groups of states is likely to increase the probability of war, peace is preserved best when there is imbalance of national capabilities between disadvantaged and advantaged nations; the agressor will come from a small group of dissatisfied strong countries; and it is the weaker, rather than the stronger; power that is most likely to be the aggressor"...A.F,K.Organski

What’s going on? Really…

Image result for images of philosophersDuring the varying transitions of world power from as far back as Greece, then to Rome, to Egypt, and all collectively amounting to modern civilization where information travels at the speed of light, when sustainable development becomes a milestone brain child issue of dialogue that may propel humanity to great heights. 
This is a time when we have become principle centered, recognizing the laws which carefully and watchfully govern the earth. We have either by default or design recognized and perhaps unwittingly adopted the models of God’s creation of systems to adapt to life and living.

Becoming more visible are the imperatives of recognizing the solvable natural and artificial complexities of man, ranging from terrorism and accidents caused by negligence to persistent natural disasters which there probably is a tendency to agree with scientists is caused by man’s interference with the earth which alters the eco-system.
The crucial and consistent succession plan of continuous well documented historical research, which birthed the mission and bedrock for education, has shaped the direction of thought of mankind, in this way, the proactive sages of 'yester-centuries' painstakingly and perhaps inadvertently created what metamorphosed into schools, which of course has literally evolved into a form which we can almost refer to as close to abstract due to a seeming larger than life context of a collective genuine passion for a few good men to add to the essential bottom line of content. 

Image result for images of a thinker
For in as much as we may claim that evolution of man has come to a halt, the brain still commands the capacity to spiral to a much higher level of intelligence depending on how it is maximized.
Some may call it brain washing, countering it with the ancient existence of religion, portending the extremism of sentimentality.

By the way, does anyone by chance not admire the soulful Marvin Gaye? He became the voice of millions of people when he rendered his monster hit single 'What;s going on?'. Apparently, this was inspired due to the proliferation of the hate which the aftermath of slavery,wars, racism and poverty (of the mind) cause. Although he was however unfortunately murdered by his dad due to his drug addiction, but he left us with a mind bugging question which will continue to haunt us if we don't find an answer to it.

Perhaps its high time we thoroughly and creatively thought life through, honestly and transparently being proactive in the genuine development of the human life, rather than incite a perfectly planned real life chess game with human lives, orchestrating and exploitative model of stimulus and response which is beyond the hands and comprehension of the large number of stereotyped and unsuspecting victims regardless of the uneven distribution of resources. Some really do play God.

Image result for images of a wishWhat's going on? its either no one actually knows, or perhaps we can conclude the the knowledge is scattered all over the world in clusters, thereby causing the future of humanity to be dependent on the unity of mankind. 
Or it might be largely imperative for us to make a total overhaul of what is on ground in order to deliberately create the great future which we constantly visualize, of course it shall be the greatest benefit of mankind, leaving no one behind...I wish though.

Thank you very much.

Akin Abimbola (

The Meanderings of a Comic Mind in Confusion
World Politics: A.F.K.Organski (!958)