"Truth without love is brutality, Love without truth is hypocrisy"...Warren.W,Wiersbe
The Great Monopoly
This may sound like an indictment or extreme assumption, but look around you today and take time to analyze everything and any single thing you can, from the history of structuring of education, creation and monitoring of electricity, internet, oil, gold, stock market, insurance, taxes, military intelligence, world power and many countless complex and even simple things that have apparently become offshoots of Government.
Imperative Control
There is a form of control, but please don't get me wrong, i have not said it's a bad thing for a measure of control to be in place, in actual fact it is highly imperative especially due potential erratic nature of random humans and also with the presence of terrorists, but the point here is that the control is so strong that by implication, just a hand full of the world population apparently become superior, while the entire lot move up and down like a bunch of clueless pawns.
"No man means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is vicious"...Henry Adams
True Lies or lies at best
This is where truth comes to the fore. I and a good friend engaged in a communication sometime ago and the "Truth" subject came up. 'He said truth is relative' hmm, interesting right?
He said if someone was looking for me with the intent of killing me, which of course he wouldn't want. He'd tell me to hide, then he'd tell the potential assailant that he had no idea where i was, which of course would be a lie, but he only lied in order to save my life, make sense?
Then he moved on to a much higher level, which apparently has an alibi, 'information management'.
This goes way beyond collection and distribution of information to stakeholders, the salient point here is 'editing' of the information.
"Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people around the world...would do this, it will change the Earth"...William Faulkner
For as long as I can remember, there has been rumours flying around about high level conspiracies of government which includes money laundering, child trafficking, drugs, contracts award etc
On the international scale however, the one that greatly bothers me is diseases creation. Diseases like small pox, AIDS and even ebola haven't had proven sources, so a school of thought says that there are several diseases that were manufactured in the laboratory perhaps so that a group of people can force a huge demand of drugs that can either manage or cure them, this is because the world is getting so fast paced and it is becoming all about the bottom line.
This is why wars will never end, especially in oil-rich, gold-rich, diamond-rich and even timber-rich nations, to forcefully create an arms market.
Now is a good time not to call that your religious leader a nerd because all the stuff in the holy books are actually coming to pass, and fast too.
So does it make sense to be optimistic in times like this?...hmm, well, being a realist won't bite either i'd say. Like perhaps how surprisingly how simple it is what they'll teach you at Havard, 'What you have to do, do it well and quickly too', instead complaining, whining and even nagging, we should tell ourselves the truth, and if at all you have to tell true lies, i guess it'll have to be for the sake of saving life, like my friend did for me.
Thank you.
Akin Abimbola (akinzogee@gmail.com)
Sources: Google