Please do permit me, but in as much as am not a fan of negativity, i have no choice but to speak my soul on this relative activity, its reality anyways.
GBOWAAA! with a great big bang was a sound which shook the earth perhaps to its marrows if it has one on this fateful day in Nigeria's capital Abuja. A suicide bomber became a hero or a matyr of sort and perhaps ascended to the heavens to meet a timely feast adorned with a variety of food and seventy virgins. Wow, thats got to be a whole lot of work. But lets try on a lot of shoes, maybe a justification may be duly established.
In the Yoruba tribe of Nigeria, there is a rich proverb which says that if a kid trips and falls down, he keeps looking ahead, but if an adult trips and falls to the same ground, he takes a look behind him, well, literally he retraces his steps to find out where he went wrong in his proceedings. In other words history is very imperative, to know where we are headed we need to know where we are coming from, what our fathers and fore-fathers have done, where they have erred, the progress they have made etc.
My point, everyone,every firm, every nation has a history, has a structure, a potential etc.
x-raying Nigeria...what is our history? what plans were laid out for the potentially restive youths of the future?
up north is being politically cushioned in such a way that potential giants are spoon-fed and mediocrity is made to stay made akin to a guise of federal character.
The south is made redundant, the east is victimized and the west is underrated.
The over-ambition of hypocritical know it al,l propagandic, self elevated masters of word play and political analists waiting to crucify authors of write ups such as this make me unsure of the use of words above, but love conquers right?