Too ‘Legit’?
Apparently, I am of an
unwavering opinion that we all have been largely hoodwinked, massively conned
and unequivocally brushed to the sidelines, by whom exactly? The past
generations of course, but how, and evidently for what, right?
Unfortunately though, no matter
whichever direction you view it from, for whatever reasons ranging from lack of
adequate exposure to insecurity, bearing characteristics of fear and consequent
impatience, they didn’t benefit of it either, perhaps because even they were
plain as the nose is on our various faces, unaware of direction and the
potentials embedded within us all, with due respect to them of course, their
mistakes have served as our experience, the greatest leverage ever known to man.
“Who do you think you are? Mr. Big stuff, you’re never
gonna get my love. Now because you wear all those fancy clothes. You think you’re
higher than every star above”…Jean Knight
Mr. Big Stuff
Ever heard the funk, soul
song ‘Mr. Big Stuff’ by American female singer Jean Knight released in 1971?
The song basically talks
about a guy that thought he could buy a lady’s love with his money and fancy
car after breaking the hearts of other younger girls and making them cry. The
catch for me about the song is that it is a reflective scenario; the song has
such simple yet powerful content which reminds us of the fake image we try to
project, having in mind an ulterior motive to deceive someone or people.
“Those who claim to be intelligent and you as fool,
forget the basic anatomy, a fool does not figure out the result, whereas the so
called intellect wrestles himself to get the result, now tell me who is at
peace?...Ramana Pemmaraju
The most important nations
are the ones that are known for some unique and creative idea, as we all know
that a brand possesses an element of a promise and integrity, but we also
really need to bear in mind the imperatives of originality.
The world has always been
changing, but as the world population explodes even more, the world revolutionizes
even faster, by implication creating room for the inclusion of negative change
along with the positive aspect.
“Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a
great ship”…Benjamin Franklin
Financial Angle
Technically, originality
strategically translates into excellent cash flow which adds to the bottom line
of any nation. For instance Japan has a longstanding reputation for
manufacturing quality electronics, Germany is respected for producing premium,
though high end technology that help build cars, trains etc, the British are
good managers of sports, events, tax systems etc, India is good at Information
Technology and Medicine which has accounted for massive brain drain to the
western world.
Originality also creates a
strong sense of belonging which you can see in the lighted up faces of the
nationals of the country concerned, and it spurs patriotism and loyalty.
“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is
no one alive who is youer than you”…Dr. Seuss
Naija Perspective
Nigerians will understand
why it is not quite an easy task to do justice to this article due to the
peculiarity of the Nigerian system and way of life. Well, here goes.
Most of the stuff you hear
about Nigeria is probably true, ranging from the fact that Nigeria is one of
the highest producers of oil, having the highest population of black people,
having massive deposits of untapped mineral resources, having hundreds of
tribes and languages and lots more.
Nigeria has faced decades
of hardship apparently inclined towards her leadership failure, with several
military rule tenures taking a substantial part of her leadership history,
creating an unbalanced policy which has negatively affected the psyche and the
futures of the citizenry.
Over the years, the
Nigerian people have become more aware of both their environment and the world
as a global village. This has made them relatively difficult to enslave, and
has brought the truth of past exploitation to the fore.
Let us look at it through
an economic eye. Non-producing nations slowly die economically and the citizens
lose their sense of belonging because if you only consume from people with
nothing to offer them, you become a liability to yourself because the entire
world will have one goal, to exploit you.
Think about it, for every
car, truck, electronic device, phone, apparel, Italian shoe, Swiss watch, pin,
toothpick imported into Nigeria, multiplied by the massive population, that and
so much more is how much money that leaves the economy as often as possible, coupled
with unchecked corruption whereby loads of funds are stolen and untraceable,
implicating the economy, and putting the country in bad light internationally.
“I have no special talents. I am only passionately
curious”…Albert Einsten
What do you ‘wanna’ be?
It might as well all be a
situation that arose due to our infinite dependency on the western lifestyle,
which has made us forget our tradition and culture. We have caused our youths
to have identity crisis because they want to be like American gangsters, using
expensive stuff which they cannot actually afford.
Even I am a victim,
growing up, I had embedded in my brain the stereotype that if a Nigerian lizard
was imported to America, it could grow up to be an alligator, meaning Americans
were better versions of us, how absurd right? But seriously, virtually every
Nigerian youth would have an inclination of thought drifting towards that sorry
direction because Nigeria is largely viewed as a country with limited
opportunities, and that dwelling therein may just diminish the tendencies of
success and even survival unless you are corrupt or connected to corrupt
Truthfully, while growing
up I didn’t know what I wanted to be, despite the fact that the question kept
coming, perhaps I was confused or maybe there was no visible role model to
emulate. Guess what, even now I cannot actually pin point what I have actually
turned out to be, as I struggle to manage the various identities that I have
become, and same thing secretly applies to countless people out there.
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always
remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to
reach for the stars to change the world”…Harriet Tubman
I think we need more
heart, we should genuinely love ourselves as we are and focus more on being the
better versions of ourselves, perhaps through healthy association and counseling
and mentoring of our youths. Now the onus rests on every single one of us, the
buck passing stops here, we need to accept ourselves for who we are, be you an
ant or an eagle, a fly or a lion, let us stand up tall and look the world in
face and exude the aura of confidence we were born with.
Thank you.
Brainy Quote
Financial Times
Inc. Must Reads